gaia auto forum poster v1.0 released

Friday, December 7, 2007

Here is my gaia auto forum poster bot script! Here are the instructions to use:
1) Have firefox + autoit installed. Also make sure your monitor is set to 1280x800
2) Copy and paste this script into a notepad .txt document.

sleep (5000)
mousemove (930,65,0)
mouseclick ("left")
sleep (2000)
send ("")
send ("{ENTER}")
sleep (11000)
mousemove (358,615,0)
mouseclick ("left")
send ("bump")
sleep (21000)
mousemove (1270,720,0)
mouseclick ("left")
sleep (2000)
mousemove (642,354,0)
mouseclick ("left")
sleep (11000)

until $y =2322

3) rename the text document with a .au3 ending.
4) Open firefox and log into gaia. Make sure you have the main menu, url box, quick links, and tabs open to make sure the script clicks the right places.
5) Browse to the main menu of gaia
6) double click the script and maximize firefox.
7) sit back and watch the gold roll in.



Christopher Johansen said...

My monitor can't be set to the required settings. Is there anything I can do to either modify the script to work on a different resolution?

Unknown said...

Double click what script?

Unknown said...

Okay... How do I stop it? My laptop is kind of dying here...

roxas said...

i can't understand too wut mainmenu in firefox can u make a vid how to make tihs please???

Graceful_Octopus said...

Uh...What script am I clicking here>?